The 3rd Brigade's Mississippi I-55 Flag Project, Lincoln County

The 80' flagpole will be placed on this beautiful piece of land, right on I-55.

Looking through the opening you can see how close I-55 is to the flagpole site.

The building begins...

Thank you to Mr. Boyce Delashmit for building the pole at his factory in Holly Springs.

The base of the pole must be able to support the 80' above, plus a 20' x 30' flag

The finished product! The pictures do not do justice to the massiveness of this pole.

The pole is now on site.

The 3rd Brigade Haulers, the group that made this all happen.

Now, let's put a flag on it!





Because this flagpole is 83′ in total it dictates a huge size of flag. 20′ x 30′ to be exact. We will need 3 of those flags so we can rotate. All donations are appreciated, big or small.


If making donation by check please send to:

Flag Fund
PO Box 1118
Summit, MS 39666