Flags Across Mississippi™ is a campaign of Victory Flags and More™.
What Is Flags Across Mississippi™ All About?
It’s about saving the Mississippi flag by flying it everywhere, along side the American flag and the flags of Liberty. It’s about depriving the communists and socialists of a major victory over the people of Mississippi. It’s about educating people about the principles of Liberty (freedom linked to Christian morality) and the symbols and monuments that represent it.
Communists and socialists, people under their influence, and people who fear them want to replace the flag of Mississippi with any flag they can. If successful, they would ramp-up their destruction of Confederate symbols and monuments, followed by every symbol and monument in America that represents opposition to the communist-socialist agenda. Instead of symbols and monuments to Liberty, the communists and socialists would establish symbols to tyranny and monuments to tyrants and traitors. Is that what you want to see in front of the state capitol and in your parks and courthouse square?
Sooner or later, of course, Jesus Christ and His followers will smash their evil deeds, but wouldn’t it be sweet if the communists and socialists were defeated sooner rather than later? You would earn the thanks of God and man by participating in such a noble crusade!
Let’s hand the communists and socialists a defeat now by preserving the Mississippi flag and by flying the flags of Liberty along side our American flags!