A primary goal of Flags Across Mississippi™ is to place thousands of Mississippi’s 1894 flag on front porches, in front yards, on commercial flag poles, and to keep them there, permanently. If you support the flag, fly it yourself, and help us fly it all across the state.  Read the Campaign Overview below.

Fly A Flag At Your Place

Fly It… or You Might Say “Goodbye” to It

Order a flag for your home, business, church, or school today.  We have the flags you need, and our prices are as low as we can offer. Read more

Check Campaign Results

See How We’re Doing
Assuming that you & other supporters of the Mississippi flag & Liberty are purchasing & flying flags, participating in the Gift Flag Program, and sending donations, we should be making progress. Check progress…

Shop Flags, Poles, Apparel & Promotionals
Learn About the Gift Flag Program
Consider Making a Donation

Fly A Flag At A Friend's Place

Help Your Friends Fly the Flag
end a gift flag to your friends & associates, & we’ll include a gift card with your name on it.  Be sure that you’re flying the flag, too.  Read more…

Shop Flags, Poles, Apparel & Promotionals

Join the Marketing Effort

Answer the Bugle Call

By working together, your organization and Flags Across Mississippi™ can accomplish our objectives, with God’s help.  Read more…

Contact the Marketing Company
Contact Flags Across Mississippi™

Fly Flags Across The State

The Gift Flag Program
Nominate a person or place to receive a Mississippi Flag as a gift from Flags Across Mississippi, as funding permits. Read more…

Nomination Form For Use By Individuals
Nomination Form For Use By Groups
Instructions for a Group Effort
Educational Material You Can Print
Donate to the Gift Flag Program
Gift Flag Program Terms & Conditions

Donate to Flags Across Mississippi

We Need God’s Help & Yours

Your contributions support the Gift Flag Program of Flags Across Mississippi™. Read more…

Read About the Gift Flag Program
Consider Making a Donation